showcase 2.6.0

  1. Bob

    Implemented Category Page Layout Type: Modular Layout (advanced setup required)

    Same as this, except you can do it for a Category Page (requires sub categories). Implemented - Home Page Layout Type: Modular Layout (advanced setup required)
  2. cdub

    Fixed Slider Options: require image?

    2.6 RC1 - Slider Option: require image is causing problems with the Slider.
  3. Bob

    Implemented New Category settings - Tabs 1-5 Options: Min & Max Message Length

    A per title, I've added some New Category settings to the Tabs 1-5 Options. Theses new settings allow you to set the Min & Max Message Length for EACH Tab's Editor. This is a long overdue feature for Showcase that will now allow Admins to prevent the cases of Items being created without...
  4. Bob

    Implemented New Permission: Bypass moderation queue when creating items

    Starting with Showcase 2.6.0 Beta 1, there is a NEW Showcase User Permission 'Bypass moderation queue when creating items' that replaces the OLD permission 'Create Items Moderated' (as it was confusing to set 2 "create" permissions for some people. Create Items = The ability to create (nothing...
  5. Bob

    Implemented Showcase Permissions: New Interface Groups & 4 NEW Moderator Permissions

    As per title, I've added some new Interface Groups to the Showcase Permissions. These new interface groups are for separating Comment and Review specific permissions away from Item specific permissions (easier to manage). This has been done for both Showcase User Permissions and Showcase...
  6. sami simo

    Fixed Tags not being deleted

    Showcase 2.5.4 It seems that deleting Showcase items with associated threads doesn't delete tags associated with those items. even when there is no content that use those tags.
  7. Freelancer

    Fixed Item Title Link not displayed in "Like" User List Overlay

    Showcase 2.5.4 When clicking on the "others" link in the Like Summary below a Showcase item, it opens an overlay and it lists the users that liked the Showcase item (as per SOP). In the SubHeading it shows only "Item:". Normally the link to the item with the title phrase variable would follow...
  8. Freelancer

    Fixed Thread to Showcase conversion produces broken images

    Latest Showcase Version. Converted a thread with image direct uploads and text to a Showcase item. Images are listed in the sidebar gallery, but no gallery tab is created and all images are broken. Rebuilding all caches, XF and Showcase, did not help. What could it be?
  9. sami simo

    Fixed Tags not working

    I have tried this in local and in my live site. All tags intered when creating an item redirect to no result page. if the tag is entred after creating the item, it works fine. Im using Showcase 2.5.4. in both sites (local and live) I have Tags Essential installed but disabled. I tried to...
  10. Freelancer

    Item preview src image path not using @imagePath

    Showcase 2.5.4 In template "nflj_showcase_item_quick_preview" The image path is src="styles/default/nflj/showcase/category_images/{$category.category_image}" But should be src="@imagePath/nflj/showcase/category_images/{$category.category_image}"
  11. E

    Fixed Drafts are bypassing the Max Item Count limit

    Currently a member can get around the item limit by making a bunch of drafts and publishing them at leisure. For example, a member had a limit of 5 showcase items, but she made 14 drafts at once and then set them all to display. It would be nice if there were an option to either limit the...
  12. Bob

    Implemented [bd] WF Renderer: Showcase: Items

    Showcase 2.6.0 beta 1 includes a NEW [bd] WF Renderer named "Showcase: Items". This renderer is designed for those of you that want/need to display Showcase Items in 'Item List Layout' format (Article View, List View, Grid View, News View, News View II, Custom View and Custom View II) on full...
  13. Bob

    Implemented [bd] WF Renderer: Showcase: Items Sidebar

    As per title, there is a NEW [bd] Widget Framework Renderer named "Showcase: Items Sidebar". This is a multipurpose Renderer that replaces several existing Showcase specific renderers. This new renderer allows you to create single block widgets, stacked block widgets or Tabbed Block widgets...
  14. Bob

    Implemented New Option: Home Page - Tabbed Items Sidebar Block Options

    As per title, there is a new option that allows you to display a Tabbed Items block on Showcase Home page sidebar. This is the same exact functionality as you are already familiar with for Forum Home, CTA FT Portal, [bd] WF Renders. As you can see, you have the same options available for...
  15. Bob

    Implemented Home Page Layout Type: Modular Layout (advanced setup required)

    NOTE: This is the XF1 version of Showcase As per title, there is a NEW Home Page Layout Type named "Modular Layout". This is something that I developed for AMS (Article Management System) and I have decided to implement it for Showcase as well. NOTE: This is NOT the same as the OLD...
  16. Bob

    Implemented Layout Type Options: New Options/Enhancements

    All of the Individual "Layout Type Options" have been updated and enhanced with New Options to choose from. This is because of the new Layout Types that have been added. The OLD options (all individual options) have been removed and replaced with a "named template" that contains several...
  17. Bob

    Implemented Items Slider: Home Page & Category Pages

    The "Featured Items" options for Showcase Home and Showcase Categories have been RENAMED to Home Page Items Slider and Category Page Items Slider. The reason for the name change is because they no longer are limited to just "featured" content. You can now choose the fetching type (by sort...
  18. Bob

    Implemented Layout Type: News View, News View II, Custom View, Custom View II

    As per title, there are 4 NEW Layout types (News View, News View II, Custom View and Custom View II) to go along with the 3 existing layout types (Article View, List View and Grid View). News View and News View II are layouts that were designed for another addon of mine (AMS) that I thought...
  19. Bob

    Implemented Google Maps Embed API integration for Showcase Items (Item Pages)

    Showcase Items can now display a google map to pin point a location via the address entered into a location field that is now part of the Item Create and Edit forms for Categories that allow maps. Allowing a google map is a per category setting. This is an API driven function which requires a...
  20. Bob

    Implemented Comment Reply Enhancements: like, report, moderation, soft delete, undelete, warnings etc

    Comment Reply Enhancements: like - members can now like comment replies report - members can now report comment replies moderation - Moderators can approve/unapprove comment replies soft delete - moderators can now soft-delete comment replies (as well as hard delete) undelete - soft deleted...