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Implemented Alert & Email Reminders


Not sure if this is already a feature or on the "to-do" list, but how about Alerts Reminders for players who have not yet made their picks for upcoming events, 12hrs, 24hrs etc before cut off.

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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This was one of the very first things my members asked if it did, as it prompts them to ensure they regularly play.
This was one of the very first things my members asked if it did, as it prompts them to ensure they regularly play.

Have to say I would put this high on the list as during testing using the Olympics football tournament I was asked about alerts as people were forgetting to do their picks -
As Iv'e already mentioned, alerts are being worked on, they are not finished/ready yet. In the mean time, you can use Notices until Alerts are part of the core system.
Can we take this an extra step and provide a way to email those that have made picks that they haven't completed their upcoming picks for the next week?
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Can we take this an extra step and provide a way to email those that have made picks that they haven't completed their upcoming picks for the next week?

yup, that is part of the planned functionality. Members will be able to "opt out" as well.
Nothing that I have set in concrete. If yer waiting on this particular functionality, then I might consider trying to push a maintenance release with it included. Might be able to get one out next week.
Nothing that I have set in concrete. If yer waiting on this particular functionality, then I might consider trying to push a maintenance release with it included. Might be able to get one out next week.
Alert reminders really - its becoming quite important as many players forgot to pick
I'll push a MINI version of it in a few days and the full version of it will come in the next major release of the addon.
This will be changed to FULLY implemented after the next release
Great, thanks for doing that..

Can I ask what criteria is it set too, what conditions trigger the alert and is it too all member or all members who are playing pickem?
Tis OK :) btw, I added bd Forum watch so that you guys can subscribe to any forum here and get email alerts when new threads are created :)