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Not Planned [XF1] Multi Instance functionality


Is it possible to have multiple showcase installs? I've got several distinct types of uses of the showcase addon, but I can't get them in to one install without making huge compromises.

Is there a way we can have separate instances? I've got some entries that I'd need to have a /venues/ URL for, and others that I'd need a /showcase/ URL for, which is the main problem (as it's not practical to create routes for every entry).

I'd really like to make this work somehow :)
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Not that I'd ever consider doing something like that, but that would take an INSANE amount of development to pull off and would still require a complete re write to the addon. Then once XF 2.0 comes out, have to re write it again. So no on all parts.
Thats the problem anything i can think off would require rewrites in well every file, you dont have time for that and it can introduece issues.

is it possibile to use ShowCase for different things in the same installation?
With every instance with its own custom fields.

  • one instance for events
    • custom fields:
      • coordinates
      • date and time
      • price
      • RSVP
      • etc
  • one instance for reviews
    • custom fields:
      • price
      • link (for affiliation ads)
      • etc
  • one instance for classifieds
      • price
      • good's state
      • shipping costs
I'm asking the same thing on xenforo.com about the Resource Manager but their have a lot of work to do, maybe @Bob is more responsive to that.
Ok, i can see from the demo that different custom fields could be set to different categories.

So maybe instead of use the showcase default home (with all the categories merged), I have to use different "bd widgets" pages? Could it work?
maybe this could be merged with the other multi instances request HERE?

IMHO DB could remain the same, but with independent views and permissions.
I've been doing some R&D into Multi Instance, however, I do not think that I will tackle it until XF 2.0.

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