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Not Planned [XF1] Multi Instance functionality


Is it possible to have multiple showcase installs? I've got several distinct types of uses of the showcase addon, but I can't get them in to one install without making huge compromises.

Is there a way we can have separate instances? I've got some entries that I'd need to have a /venues/ URL for, and others that I'd need a /showcase/ URL for, which is the main problem (as it's not practical to create routes for every entry).

I'd really like to make this work somehow :)
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No. Its not possible to install ANY addon more than once. Each addon has a unique addon_id that is tied into many things (like for example... permissions, options, templates, listeners etc). Also, there are things like database tables that have unique table names.

I believe someone posted a suggestion about multi instance showcase similar to vbadvanced dynamics (you'd have to look in the suggestions forum).
Thanks Bob, I'll have to put my thinking cap on and see if there's a way around this :). If you're able to add multiple instance features, that would be cool - but I bet that's a more complicated job than it sounds!

It's just such a good addon that I can think of so many areas that I want to add uses for it!
Hello Bob,

i have a request.

At the Moment i work on a Fish-Database on my Site. This is done in your Showcase-Mod. I hope, that i have in 2 Weeks over 2000 Items in this Database.

Then we want start with the Next Database on our Site. A Database for Flowers " German Word for this " Aquarium Pflanzen".

Problem is, we dont want the 2 different things ( Fishes and Flowers) in one Database. We have theire to many conflicts with the Tags and and and...... Sample if someone search a Fish and use a Tag, he will not see Flowers who have the same Tags.And and and........

Is theire a Chance, that you can help me, that i can use 2 Showcases on my Site? ( i will by a second license here).
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There have been several requests for a "Multi" instance showcase, but that would share the same database (even tho they would appear separate). What you want/need is an exact CLONE (which would require me to develop and maintain 2 identical addons).

This is something that I will need to THINK about as it would double my workload for Showcase and would effect everyone as time that would normally be spent developing new stuff for showcase would be used up in cloning the addon for those that own a 2nd instance version.

I won't even consider it unless there are enough people that say they will purchase a 2nd instance license tho. So lets see how many people would actually be interested in a CLONE vs a Multi Instance.
Hello Bob,

nice, that you think about it.

In the last Years i have used
  • vBadvanced Dynamics
from http://www.vbadvanced.com/. With this Mod i can create so many Databases who i need.

The same is by IP-Content from Invision Board. I can setup many Databases. It where really nice, if you can do that.
Both of those are MULTI Instance addons (I have developed a lot of stuff for vBadvanced Dynamics).
This would come in very handy.
Thanks Bob, I'll have to put my thinking cap on and see if there's a way around this :). If you're able to add multiple instance features, that would be cool - but I bet that's a more complicated job than it sounds!

It's just such a good addon that I can think of so many areas that I want to add uses for it!

I would pay $80 for this addon if it could do this.
@gldtn its best to like the first post to show support for the suggestion.
any news Bob?

Future Suggestions means that I will consider the request when the next MAJOR (1st point release X.x.x) is being worked on. Im currently focused on 2nd point releases ie 2.X.x. SC 3.0 will probably coincide witih XF 2.0
Challenging request but I would like this too. I would say it's certainly not priority but here's the reason why I would want it - I'd want one version for image based (e.g. like cars) and another strictly for product reviews. It's very tough to have all that stuff in one place - user stuff and general market items. Let's just say that Showcase is so damn good that we can all find excuses to have multiple installs on the same site!
Feel free to hire Jon to do HIS implementation for you. Its not how I would do it. I am ALL for multi instance, I am NOT for hacking up an architecture that is not designed to handle multi instance. If I do it, its going to be done RIGHT, which is building a multi instance architecture.

NOTE: I am by NO MEANS calling Jon a hack. He is a very good developer. I am saying that I don't agree with his approach.
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A multi instance architecture would be very welcome. Not hacked up by Jon. But done right by Bob.
Feel free to hire Jon to do HIS implementation for you. Its not how I would do it. I am ALL for multi instance, I am NOT for hacking up an architecture that is not designed to handle multi instance. If I do it, its going to be done RIGHT, which is building a multi instance architecture.
NOTE: I am by NO MEANS calling Jon a hack. He is a very good developer. I am saying that I don't agree with his approach.
Understood, just thought it was interesting. It's a total hack, which is why I would prefer absolutely not doing it your way and completely prefer it your way. I just thought it was interesting. I saw some other guys doing multisite work too -- and that is also a hack, which doesn't really make use of multiple installations but one install broken up into pieces. A true multi-instance may take time given that the system and the plugin wasn't necessarily designed to do what we're asking. As always, thanks for your candor. Much appreciated.
Could this not be done by doing it manual just like how vb generates there license code in the different files. So you edit everything in the files and ask the question how many showcases do you currently have running? If he/she answers 1 the system generates everything that needs to be unique with 2_ infront of it if they say 2 it put 3 infront etc etc. Would this not be an easier solution, granted the work is higher but it can be done faster than waiting on xf2.

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