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"Post As Update" - Selected by Default


SC Premium
A lot of my users don't know to tick this box and therefore the item's aren't marked as updated. As they're not marked as updated, the nav counter isn't changed and their listing isn't bumped to the top of the "Updated" tab I have selected by default - effectively their update goes unseen.

Suggestion to change options to:
  • Mark as Updated (Selected by default)
  • Add Update Notice to Thread (Unselected by Default)
  • Textbox for Optional Notice
Upvote 0
This has been implemented.

I've change up the Item EDIT Forum significantly to where this option is now located directly under the submit button. This should significantly help reduce any "I didn't see it" excuses. This option is now CHECKED as default. Users will need to un check it for Silent Edits.


I've also made it so that the Post Update Message option only displays IF there is an associated discussion thread. Doesn't make any sense to have an option to post a message to a thread when a thread is not associated with the item. This option remains un checked by default to prevent accidental updates to the discussion thread. As before, users have the option of posting their own Custom Message OR by leaving blank, a message will be created for them using the content of the message body of Tab 1.

Nice, but not good for an admin or mod who have to change an item.
i edit many items because the user took the wrong prefix, forgot the tags, and so on.
Now i have always to deselect this field :(
Nice, but not good for an admin or mod who have to change an item.
i edit many items because the user took the wrong prefix, forgot the tags, and so on.
Now i have always to deselect this field :(

Its a 5 second template modification to make it always unchecked. I don't recommend doing it tho as now you are just making it harder on your members to make something convenient for yourself.
Its a 5 second template modification to make it always unchecked
Upps, i need 50 seconds :D
That´s ok for me.

But maybe it´s really better to leave this as default, i have to think about it.
Its a 5 second template modification to make it always unchecked. I don't recommend doing it tho as now you are just making it harder on your members to make something convenient for yourself.
It depends on the site setup. If its mainly the staff posting updates then its undesirable to have it shown as updated. I presume we need to edit item view template for it right?
It depends on the site setup. If its mainly the staff posting updates then its undesirable to have it shown as updated. I presume we need to edit item view template for it right?
The way it is now is the same as a Moderator editing someones post, they have to manually check an option to edit silently. In this case, they need to uncheck to edit silently.

Its a 5 second template edit..

Template: nflj_showcase_item_edit

remove: checked = "checked" from the this line
                <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="post_as_update" value="1" id="ctrl_post_as_update" checked = "checked" class="Disabler" /> {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_post_as_update}</label>

That line is in this block of template code at the very end of the template (line 5)
    <xen:if is="!{$isDraft}">
        <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="post_as_update" value="1" id="ctrl_post_as_update" checked = "checked" class="Disabler" /> {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_post_as_update}</label>
                    <p class="explain">{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_post_as_update_explain}</p>
                    <ul id="ctrl_post_as_update_Disabler">
                        <xen:if is="{$item.thread_id}">
                            <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="post_update_message" value="1" id="ctrl_post_update_message" class="Disabler" /> {xen:phrase nflj_showcase_post_update_message}</label>
                                <p class="explain">{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_post_update_message_explain}</p>
                                <ul id="ctrl_post_update_message_Disabler">
                                        <textarea name="custom_update_message" id="ctrl_custom_update_message" class="textCtrl Elastic" maxlength="2500"></textarea>
                                        <p class="explain">{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_post_as_update_custom_message_explain}</p>
Thanks. Same for nflj_ams_article_edit I see.

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