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Resolved Left side block on index different on new version


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This is the old CAS 2.2.14 Index left side block on XF 2.2.8 contains 3 sections

This is the new CAS 2.3.6 Index left side block on XF 2.3.4 only the middle section is present and Navigation is gone

I want the new to look as the old but I am not able to find where this is done.
Could you please point me to where I have to look and if this maybe is something that is done outside CAS or if it is a setting or template.
I reverted BACK to the original, which is the Category Navigation only. All of the other links are already available in the Sub Navigation of the Classifieds tab. There is no need for it to be repeated on the SideNav. I've done this in ALL of my addons, not just CAS.

You should be able to customize it back to how it was in CAS 2.2.x, however, you can't just cut and paste the XF 2.2 template code into XF 2.3 as there is different syntax (mainly the change with MACRO syntax).

Its much too complex for me to write a how to (support does not cover customization). It involves multiple templates that need editing (xa_cas_index, xa_cas_category_view and xa_cas_category_list_macros).

There are extensive changes in the XF 2.3 version of the xa_cas_category_list_macros template (basically removing all of the template syntax that dealt with replicating navigation links in the sidenav).

In a nut shell, you'd have to ADD back in a lot of the template code removed from the xa_cas_index, xa_cas_category_view and xa_cas_category_list_macros templates AND you'd have to make sure that any of the code you add back in, is XF 2.3 compliant, especially when it comes to MACROS (which there are a lot in this case).

Anyway, if you know what you are doing, you should be fine. If you don't know what you are doing, you could really screw things up. In either case, make backups or do it on a test instance before applying it to production.
Thanks a lot for your clarification!
Now I know that it was an intentional change so I will probably use a Widget in the left sidemenu instead to avoid to customize templates.
I saw this also on the other modules. We have a more or less static Navigation menu across the whole site so that is the reason.
