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Resolved SEO problem - Articles dont get index on google


New Member
AMS Premium
I have created more than 8 articles using ams (article management system) I realize the articles dont get index by google except i manually add individual article url to google ur inspection (search console) before it get index.

Article created more than 4 days dont get index except you add it manually to google search console.

On my sitemap settings i have this options checked:
Included sitemap content
  • AMS article
  • AMS Category
  • AMS series
  • Node
Could it be that the ams articles aren't summited to search console or the addon is not SEO friendly?

I have intentionally left some article without adding manually on search console for days and still they don't get index except i add it on my own.


  • Capture.PNG
    82.6 KB · Views: 6
AMS has never had any indexing issues for 12 years (since AMS 1.0.0). If AMS had any issues (even minor ones), I would be inundated with bug reports.

I use AMS myself and I have no problems getting Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go etc indexing AMS Articles.

AMS has as good or better search engine indexing than Core XF itself due to several SEO features built into AMS that XF does not have for its content types.

Have you set any of the AMS per Category SEO settings (like maybe accidentally setting articles in a category to No Index)? I had someone do that a few months ago and they couldn't understand why search engine spiders stopped crawling their articles.

Have you used any of the per Article SEO features?

Also, unless you have a very well established site, it's going to take more than 8 new articles and 4 days.

What ERRORS is google reporting?

Can you post a screen shot of where you submitted those articles manually and what the status is? If they reject them, there is nothing that I can do about that. If they are pending, then you need to be patient and wait for them.