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Sidebar on left side for Showcase home


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With the new search widget it'd be nice to have the sidebar be on the left side for easier navigation on the showcase home page.

Is there an easy way to make the sideba r on the left but ONLY on that page? I know how to do it universally.
With the new search widget it'd be nice to have the sidebar be on the left side for easier navigation on the showcase home page.

Is there an easy way to make the sideba r on the left but ONLY on that page? I know how to do it universally.

I am not sure which search widget do you mean? I cannot see any search widget in v2.5.1

However, try to add this to template Extra.css
This should move the sidebar to left side only in showcase home page
.mainContainer {
float: right;
.sidebar {
float: left;

And if you like to show the sidebar in left side in showcase home page and in showcase category page, then try to use this instead of the previous code:
.mainContainer {
float: right;
.sidebar {
float: left;
.sidebar {
float: left;
.mainContainer {
float: right;
Go to the link in that post to see it working but here's a screenshot:

Screenshot 2015-12-01 at 11.16.52 PM.png
Just do it like this.....
.nflj_showcase_index .mainContainer,
.nflj_showcase_category .mainContainer,
.nflj_showcase_field_search_view .mainContainer
    float: right;

.nflj_showcase_index .sidebar ,
.nflj_showcase_category .sidebar,
.nflj_showcase_field_search_view .sidebar
    float: left;

That works (and of course I just realized that it didn't work in the vanilla before because the extra css wasn't in the vanilla... yes it's early and I'm an idiot)

Although it appears UI.X is doing something strange... because it loads and looks nice and then the left sidebar moves over a little to the right to but up against the maincontainer content.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 at 9.17.08 AM.png

Works fine in vanilla. Darn UI.X - looks good but gets so problematic at times.

Any idea what's going on here?

It does it with the vanilla straight out of the box UI.X too so it isn't something that I've messed up.
I use the Flat Awesome style on one of my other sites and it works great and is super fast. Of course it is a very small board. Maybe I'll try to install it on this site to see if it'll give me less problems. UI.X is just a pain in the &$% sometimes. Rant over.
I'm putting in a UI.X ticket at Audentio for this glitch as I know you have enough on your plate and it isn't causing problems in the default style.
Just do it like this.....
.nflj_showcase_index .mainContainer,
.nflj_showcase_category .mainContainer,
.nflj_showcase_field_search_view .mainContainer
    float: right;

.nflj_showcase_index .sidebar ,
.nflj_showcase_category .sidebar,
.nflj_showcase_field_search_view .sidebar
    float: left;

View attachment 2266

After upgrade from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4, the horizontal scroll bar is showing because of that code


If I remove it from extra.css, then the page width issue will be fixed
What I suggested should work (works fine for me and others), however, I didn't post it as a 100% guaranteed will work type of support solution response (as customization does not fall under "support"). Nothing changed between versions for any of those classes, nor has anything in core xenforo changed in regards to the sidebar.
What I suggested should work (works fine for me and others), however, I didn't post it as a 100% guaranteed will work type of support solution response (as customization does not fall under "support"). Nothing changed between versions for any of those classes, nor has anything in core xenforo changed in regards to the sidebar.

I tried to import the default Xenforo theme and I added only this code in extra.css but unfortunately still I am facing the horizontal scroll bar issue
I am pretty sure it was working fine before I upgrade to 2.5.4
Could you try to add your code in extra.css in 2.5.4 and check? because I tried in LTR and with the default theme and same issue still exist (I checked in Chrome and Internet Explorer11)

I know Bob it is not a core feature, therefore you don't have to give official support for this but we are here in this forum to help each other and to make our website work without any issue, that's why I gave the code in this thread before you did.
I am not asking for showcase official support, if anybody know better than me in CSS and can help, I will appreciate that for him
From my side I will keep trying to fix it