As per title, Add a new Route and Add a new Navigation Tab for the Betting Exchange.
Route: betting-exchange (instead of using sportsbook route with a sub route of betting-exchange). This is needed for some planned (and currently being developed) enhancements (comments, inline comment moderation etc).
The new Betting Exchange Navigation Tab allows for some future expansion like being able to have the new Bets item indicator on the Betting Exchange Tab.
This also opens up the ability (not yet) to enable just the Betting Exchange without enabling Sportsbook (in case you only want to use the Betting Exchange).

The Sportsbook Nav Tab sub links will include links to the Betting Exchange (in case you want to hide the Betting Exchange tab).
NOTE: To hide the Betting Exchange Tab, simply add this to Extra.css:

Route: betting-exchange (instead of using sportsbook route with a sub route of betting-exchange). This is needed for some planned (and currently being developed) enhancements (comments, inline comment moderation etc).
The new Betting Exchange Navigation Tab allows for some future expansion like being able to have the new Bets item indicator on the Betting Exchange Tab.
This also opens up the ability (not yet) to enable just the Betting Exchange without enabling Sportsbook (in case you only want to use the Betting Exchange).

The Sportsbook Nav Tab sub links will include links to the Betting Exchange (in case you want to hide the Betting Exchange tab).
NOTE: To hide the Betting Exchange Tab, simply add this to Extra.css:
.navTabs .navTab.betex {display: none !important;}
