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Implemented Betting Exchange: Allow incongruent betting amounts between creator and challenger


New Member
In member vs member bets, users should be able to bet different amounts than 1:1 against each other.

Creator may put up $1000 with a required challenge amount of $500 or $2000, for instance.

This would allow a much more realistic and flexible betting between members.

If this is low priority, contact me and I am willing to discuss payment for this development.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
If this is low priority, contact me and I am willing to discuss payment for this development.
Its not that the suggestion is a low priority, its that Sportsbook is not currently in an active development cycle. Next planned active development cycle for Sportsbook is May-July time frame. Until then, its just bug fixes and routine maintenance.

If you need something before then, you'd either need to have an addon developed or contact me in private to discuss some other options.
