ams 1.4.0

  1. Bob

    Implemented Hide 'About Author' block for copied articles (Original Source Articles)

    This has been implemented. The About Author block will NOT display IF the About Author data is Empty. The About Author block will NOT display IF the "Display About Author" option is disabled for the Article. The About Author block will NOT display IF the Category requires original source data...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Hide custom field titles

    This has been implemented (the way that I felt it should be implemented). Easiest way to explain how this works is to show you some scenarios. Here we have some custom fields being displayed on an article. We have 2 being displayed in the header area and one in the "above article" area. Lets...
  3. Bob

    Implemented Category Management: Create Sibling/Child Category (from clone)

    This has been implemented. There are now 2 new "create" options on the Category Management Page for each Category. These 2 new options allow you to FULLY CLONE an existing Category as a SIBLING or a CHILD. FULLY CLONED = 100% of the options of the Category you are wanting to clone are COPIED...
  4. Bob

    Implemented Multi-page: Show date on page

    This has been implemented.
  5. Bob

    Implemented Option to enable or disable sidebar in AMS

    This has been implemented for AMS Home, AMS Category Pages, AMS Article Page, AMS Author Page and AMS Field Search results Page (each has their own option). IMPORTANT NOTE: Disabling the sidebar does NOT disable the sidebar blocks from fetching content if you have the sidebar block(s)...
  6. Bob

    Implemented AMS Home Page Description

    This has been implemented. There is a new option on the Home Page TAB (very first option). This is the same type of setting as the BOARD Meta Description. Default is EMPTY (which will use the Board Meta Description). To override the Board Meta, simply fill in a description (plain text only as...
  7. Bob

    Implemented AMS User Permissions - Articles: Lock / unlock comments in own article

    This has been implemented. There is a new AMS User Permissions - Articles permission that allows you to give Article Authors the ability to Lock and Unlock comments on their own articles. This works the same way as the moderator permission does (article authors can post comments even tho...
  8. Bob

    Implemented Modular Layout Option: Image Required

    This has been implemented for Modular Layout Options - AMS Home page and Modular Layout Options - Category Page. NOTE: The Image Required option is a FETCHING option, so it applies to the entire BLOCK of articles being fetched (this includes the headlines).
  9. Bob

    Implemented Top Blocks: Fresh Content Cutoff

    I implemented this, however, I implemented it a little differently than you suggested (which I feel is a better than going by the users last activity on the site). If you go by uses last activity, then the 200 comments they made in 1999 COUNT if they logged in yesterday after being off the site...
  10. Bob

    Implemented Category navigation on Article

    This has been implemented Options >> AMS Options >> Article Page TAB >> Enable Category List Sidebar Block & Only Showcase Categories that have articles. When Enabled, the sidebar block will display on the Article Sidebar (the order of the sidebar blocks is listed below). Cover Image --...
  11. Bob

    Implemented About Author: Max Message Length

    This has been implemented. There is a new option: Options >> AMS Options >> Article Page TAB >> About Author: Max Message Length (default is set to 2000 which is the existing max limit) About Author input with BB Code parsing disabled About Author input with BB Code parsing enabled...
  12. Bob

    Implemented Location Field

    This has been implemented. This works exactly like Core XenForo location field for users. You enter the Location in the field below the title. And it will display in 2 locations (both optional settings). The first location is in the header area of the article. The location is a LINK...
  13. Bob

    Implemented Original Source functionality

    This has been implemented. There is a new Category setting (disabled by default) that allows you to require Original Source information when creating a new article or editing an existing article within a given category. NOTE: When MOVING an article into a category that requires original source...
  14. gldtn

    Implemented Add hook to articles content

    I've asked Siropu, the creator of Ads Manager to make his ads manager compatible w/ AMS. He said it would be possible but AMS would need to have a hook similar as Xenforo "message" template has in order to make keyword ads work; <xen:hook name="message_content" params="{xen:array...
  15. gldtn

    Implemented Sort article per category option from A to Z

    I noticed we can't select to sort article on a per category, unless we have a category and a subcategory that is set to use a modular setting and the A to Z option is not there. What I wanted to do is to be able to set any category to automatically sort from A to Z. If at least the A to Z option...