When viewing all items for a given tag, Showcase items appear as follows:
e.g: http://xenaddons.com/tags/mustang/
(Showcase cover image appears in avatar box)
I would like to see an option to restyle Showcase items on the Tag page appear like XFMG results do, like this:
e.g. http://xenaddons.com/tags/music/
(uploader/author appears in avatar box, media thumbnail appears below title)
Reasons I would like to see this:
It would allow more flexible styling of the Tag results. As Showcase, XFMG and normal threads now use the core system, it would be easier to style all the results consistently. For example, to make all the thumbnails bigger in width. As it stands it's tricky to do as it would look strange resizing the avatar box - if the Showcase thumbnail was out of that avatar box then it makes it easier. Then I could hide all the avatar boxes.
I realise this suggestion may be a bit niche - would appreciate your thoughts though!
e.g: http://xenaddons.com/tags/mustang/
(Showcase cover image appears in avatar box)

I would like to see an option to restyle Showcase items on the Tag page appear like XFMG results do, like this:
e.g. http://xenaddons.com/tags/music/
(uploader/author appears in avatar box, media thumbnail appears below title)

Reasons I would like to see this:
It would allow more flexible styling of the Tag results. As Showcase, XFMG and normal threads now use the core system, it would be easier to style all the results consistently. For example, to make all the thumbnails bigger in width. As it stands it's tricky to do as it would look strange resizing the avatar box - if the Showcase thumbnail was out of that avatar box then it makes it easier. Then I could hide all the avatar boxes.
I realise this suggestion may be a bit niche - would appreciate your thoughts though!