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Versions and changelog


New Member

I'm an admin at a forum that purchased your sportsbook (very nice addon I don't mind saying).

I didn't see it readily available so i'm posting asking where I can find the latest release versions and changelog. I just need to see if I need to update the client.

he's using 1.9.0

SB 1.9.1 is the most current version. SB 1.10.0 Beta 1 will be available soon.

I always send out email blasts for new versions. If you are not getting these, then it could be that you need to update your email address for your account and or make sure emails are not getting sent to spam.

I also always announce each release, so you can WATCH the announcements forum as well as the Sportsbook Demo thread (in which I also post updates on version releases).

One of the first places to always check is your customer account.


Click on the "Download Sportsbook" link for the specific Sportsbook License to access the downloads area. Versions are ordered Newest to Oldest (so that the latest version is always at the top).

NOTE: This works just like XenForo in that you are only able to download versions that are/were covered in your current or previous support/downloads agreement. If your support has expired, you;d need to get a 1 year extension in order to download newer versions that were not covered in your previous agreement (exactly like XF does).


As mentioned above, you might want to watch the Sportsbook Demo Info thread as I do post release updates in it.

The first post of the Demo thread always lists the most current version.

You can also watch the Announcements Forum as I post threads for each release.


Another thing I do that is helpful is TAG everything by release version. This way you can see a list of all Implemented Suggestions and Bug Fixes associated with a specific release.

Example of a release tag.


Sportsbook is also listed in the XenForo Resource Manager and is updated there as well (altho, I usually only post updates for 2nd point releases there).

I hope that helps :)
ugh, i didn't get notices.

This is the problem. my client doesn't always tell me when he gets these notices. i DO NOT get them since he bought it. So it's very difficult for me to keep up with all the different plugin updates. Free ones aren't a problem, i can subscribe to those. but paid ones are different.

The announcements screenshot helps tremendously. course it also assumes I'll remember to check it.
Not sure what else I can do. You (mindzipper) are IN the "Sportsbook" usergroup here. That user group gets email blasts for ALL Sportsbook releases. If you are not getting these, then they are going into SPAM (which if you'd add support@xenaddons.com to your email client address book and add a RULE that the address isn't spam, that won't happen). This was done at the request of the license holder so that you could do things like receive release emails and have access to the support forums instead of them being a middle man for things like this.

The upcoming release is a 2nd point release, so the Resource in the Resource Manager will be updated (which you should be watching the Resource).
Oh wow i didn't know that. I don't remember ever getting one. I'll keep checking though, maybe it's getting filtered. but I like to keep things up to date, and the users on our forum use this plugin a lot.

I'll check for those emails