Not @Bob's fault, but I had no idea that this was not possible until I put the software into widespread use on my forums. I guess my testing skill suck 
The showcase software is only feasible if you're using it for items that would only have 1 review ever.
If you are trying to use it to review services or for reports on devices, it doesn't have needed functionality.
IMO, a user should be able to leave unlimited reviews if there is no permission to set a limitation on it. I would much rather have to delete a bunch of crap reviews from a pissed off reviewer than have a valid reviewer not be able to leave more than 1 review on an item.
For some examples, on my site, I'm using showcase for reviews and reports.
Reviews items are the dealers that sell to my userbase. I may purchase from a dealer today, receive excellent service and post a review stating that. If 4 months later, I make another purchase and this time the dealer did everything wrong, I can't leave another review. I would have to update a perfectly valid review from 4 months ago.
As a reporting tool, I'm using it for "bite" reports. The item is the species of animal. A user may get bit multiple times over the course of keeping the animals, but it's a different experience each time. Each one should be reviewable multiple times as each one has different information.

The showcase software is only feasible if you're using it for items that would only have 1 review ever.
If you are trying to use it to review services or for reports on devices, it doesn't have needed functionality.
IMO, a user should be able to leave unlimited reviews if there is no permission to set a limitation on it. I would much rather have to delete a bunch of crap reviews from a pissed off reviewer than have a valid reviewer not be able to leave more than 1 review on an item.
For some examples, on my site, I'm using showcase for reviews and reports.
Reviews items are the dealers that sell to my userbase. I may purchase from a dealer today, receive excellent service and post a review stating that. If 4 months later, I make another purchase and this time the dealer did everything wrong, I can't leave another review. I would have to update a perfectly valid review from 4 months ago.
As a reporting tool, I'm using it for "bite" reports. The item is the species of animal. A user may get bit multiple times over the course of keeping the animals, but it's a different experience each time. Each one should be reviewable multiple times as each one has different information.