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User Preference: Enable/Disable New Item Count on Nav Tab


New Member
A couple of our more miserable users have requested the option to turn off the red alert that appears on the menu bar when a new item is created. I don't think this is currently possible? If not, can I put it forward as a suggestion for the next release!
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Many thanks although the hope was to allow users to manage their alerts individually. The majority of users are quite happy to get the alerts, and I want them to for all the obvious reasons, but there is a small (vocal) minority who want to turn them off.
Ah, ya... nope, its a Global only option. Not sure if that's something I want to deal with at an individual level or not. Going to have to mull this one over a bit.
This has been implemented. (see the red arrow in the screen shot below).

NOTE: This user preference is only available when the GLOBAL Option is Enabled. If you disable the Showcase Count on the Nav Tab Globally, the option for users will not even appear in the Browsing Preferences.

Thanks & very nice indeed, I assume that this is coming in the much anticipated version 2.3?
Hmm, just realised that this doesn't appear to be an option on both my installations. In fact none of the showcase preferences show up. Any suggestions?
Hmm, just realised that this doesn't appear to be an option on both my installations. In fact none of the showcase preferences show up. Any suggestions?
Not sure what you mean by "In fact none of the showcase preferences show up" as there is only ONE Showcase preference on the Preferences Settings area. It could be another addon that is interfering. I can't troubleshoot on a site that works, so I'd need to have access to your site (an Admin CP login with full admin access) to start with.

This is the correct preferences page for the setting mentioned in this thread: http://xenaddons.com/account/preferences

I get several inboxes a week asking why these don't show up and every single time its because people are looking in the Alert Preferences and not the Preferences.

You can see for your self right here on the site (click on the above link) that it is working and working with a Core XenForo addon as well as another addon.
Apologies if you thought I was suggesting it didn't work. I checked on this site before posting so could see that the option was there.

Interesting that you think some other addons may conflict. I've just gone and turned them all off and then back on again. Hey presto the option appears!
Interesting that you think some other addons may conflict. I've just gone and turned them all off and then back on again. Hey presto the option appears!
Conflicts between Addons are sometimes unavoidable (specially when an addon isn't doing something properly). If the options don't show up, its because another addon is doing TM on the same "FIND" and not replacing it (which will cause other TM's that are using that same "FIND" to fail).

If it happens again, I can check out your TMs and can tell you which addon is the problem.