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Hey Bob, this is something I've thought about many times but never got around to suggesting - when a user creates a showcase item a new thread is created. All that gets posted is a link to the showcase item. Same thing when they edit/update their item.
I think it would be really cool to have the option to post all the field data into the initial thread post when the item gets created. This way the initial post has a bunch of content in it, or maybe even just a snippet. And when an update is posted as a reply (an item edited), the fields that were updated get displayed in the reply. It's nearly impossible to see what it was the user updated in their item when they edit their item. It would awesome to be able to have the fields they updated (or mention that new file uploads were posted, etc), letting everyone know exactly what they updated on the item.
Even if this is just an option for the admin to enable or disable since not everyone will want it, I think it would be a really nice feature, probably for a newer version of SC course.
I think it would be really cool to have the option to post all the field data into the initial thread post when the item gets created. This way the initial post has a bunch of content in it, or maybe even just a snippet. And when an update is posted as a reply (an item edited), the fields that were updated get displayed in the reply. It's nearly impossible to see what it was the user updated in their item when they edit their item. It would awesome to be able to have the fields they updated (or mention that new file uploads were posted, etc), letting everyone know exactly what they updated on the item.
Even if this is just an option for the admin to enable or disable since not everyone will want it, I think it would be a really nice feature, probably for a newer version of SC course.