Hello Bob,
We just upgraded our website from XF1.5.8 to XF2.1.4 and we upgraded to the latest SC release, SC 3.1.6 looks awesome, however, we may ask several questions these days as we are adjusting many things in our XF2 website.
1. In XF1 SC we gave the users in usergroup-X the permission to (add new comment) but they cannot see the comments list. Is it possible to do it in SC3 ?
2. Is it possible to replace the "user avatar" with "cover image" in the widgets like "More from user-x"

3. We are using comments system and rating function only, the user can rate the page using the stars rating or add a comment. Therefore, we need to allow rating but turn off reviews function, even no need to move to separate page, the user should be able to open choose the rating from the page itself. This was possible in SC2

We just upgraded our website from XF1.5.8 to XF2.1.4 and we upgraded to the latest SC release, SC 3.1.6 looks awesome, however, we may ask several questions these days as we are adjusting many things in our XF2 website.
1. In XF1 SC we gave the users in usergroup-X the permission to (add new comment) but they cannot see the comments list. Is it possible to do it in SC3 ?
2. Is it possible to replace the "user avatar" with "cover image" in the widgets like "More from user-x"

3. We are using comments system and rating function only, the user can rate the page using the stars rating or add a comment. Therefore, we need to allow rating but turn off reviews function, even no need to move to separate page, the user should be able to open choose the rating from the page itself. This was possible in SC2