I've added an anchor span class above each section title as well as modified the h3 element to include a CSS Class and an ID. These are used for the new TOC and Dropdown Navigation for Sections and Pages.
Example... Added an anchor span class above each section title as well as modified the h3 element to include a CSS Class and an ID (that is dynamic using category_id and section_id).
Note: This example is applicable to the Stacked Sections. I've done something similar for Tabbed Sections.
Example... Added an anchor span class above each section title as well as modified the h3 element to include a CSS Class and an ID (that is dynamic using category_id and section_id).
Note: This example is applicable to the Stacked Sections. I've done something similar for Tabbed Sections.
<span class="u-anchorTarget" id="section_1"></span>
<h3 class="scSectionH3Class" id="catid-{category.category_id} secid-s1">{$category.title_s1}</h3>
<span class="u-anchorTarget" id="section_2"></span>
<h3 class="scSectionH3Class" id="catid-{category.category_id} secid-s2">{$category.title_s2}</h3>
<span class="u-anchorTarget" id="section_3"></span>
<h3 class="scSectionH3Class" id="catid-{category.category_id} secid-s3">{$category.title_s2}</h3>