Hi. Upgraded both forums with AMS. One forum is fine. The other one has outdated templates. Automatic merge didn't work. It seems to be related to styles (Default style and my xenbase style). I'm using one of Russ's styles. The style was on the latest version before upgrading AMS. Strange one forum was ok and the other not but I maybe set them differently in some places.
Xenforo was/is on 2.2.11 before the upgrade. I installed the 2.2.21 AMS upgrade.
Also a server error log. The Xenbase style seems to be the latest update and not out of date.
Xenforo was/is on 2.2.11 before the upgrade. I installed the 2.2.21 AMS upgrade.
Also a server error log. The Xenbase style seems to be the latest update and not out of date.
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