I tried to upgrade from 3.1.6 This a.m., and somehow got a 500 error after uploading files. The problem may not have been related to the upload, but I did not check the sight before the upload, so I don't know.
Anyway all is well right now, I may have a missmatch of showcase files after uploading the old files. But, I thought I would ask opinions before I mess around with my mess...
I am currently generating an error:
[30-Sep-2020 14:01:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Interface 'XF\Entity\LinkableInterface' not found in /home/teambuic/public_html/community/src/addons/XenAddons/Showcase/Entity/Item.php on line 83
[30-Sep-2020 14:01:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Interface 'XF\Entity\LinkableInterface' not found in /home/teambuic/public_html/community/src/addons/XenAddons/Showcase/Entity/Category.php on line 46
Should I upload the files again and do the upgrade as usual, or should this error be addressed first, or maybe the upgrade will solve it....
Anyway all is well right now, I may have a missmatch of showcase files after uploading the old files. But, I thought I would ask opinions before I mess around with my mess...

I am currently generating an error:
[30-Sep-2020 14:01:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Interface 'XF\Entity\LinkableInterface' not found in /home/teambuic/public_html/community/src/addons/XenAddons/Showcase/Entity/Item.php on line 83
[30-Sep-2020 14:01:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Interface 'XF\Entity\LinkableInterface' not found in /home/teambuic/public_html/community/src/addons/XenAddons/Showcase/Entity/Category.php on line 46
Should I upload the files again and do the upgrade as usual, or should this error be addressed first, or maybe the upgrade will solve it....