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    Once you have registered here, then you need to start a conversation at xenforo.com w/Bob and provide the following:
    1. Your XenForo License Validation Token
    2. The Domain Name associated with the License
    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified/met. Thank you for your patience.

Resolved My blog post is waiting for approval


New Member
Hi @Bob
Another question:
I have tried to post a blog and also a blog post on the new site, but I got the message that my blog and post also is waiting for approval.
How can I approve it? I am the admin, super moderator but I did not get any message to approve it.
Thank you for your ansswer.
Sounds like you've not yet edited each of your User Groups and set all of the UBS Permissions (there are 100's of them).

Being an Admin or Super Admin is only applicable to the Admin CP. You need to set UBS Permissions for your Administrator User Group (and moderator user group).

I would start by editing your Administrator User Group and setting all of the UBS Permissions. Then do the same for your Moderator User Group, Registered User Group etc etc etc...

Hope that makes sense :)
How can I approve it?
Once you set the appropriate UBS Permissions for your Administrative User Group, you will then be able to view UBS content in the XenForo Approval Queue as well as be able to perform UBS Moderator functions like Inline Moderation, Approve, Unapprove, Delete, Undelete etc etc etc.. :)
Ok, now I am confused, because I see that tere are 2 items in the approval queue,but when I klick on it it shows there is nothing to approve.


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    Képernyőkép 2024-07-17 175953.png
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Ok, now I am confused, because I see that tere are 2 items in the approval queue,but when I klick on it it shows there is nothing to approve.
Support requires that you take screenshots against an unedited Core XF Default Style. Any and all troubleshooting should be done on an unedited core XF default style.

Also, I have no clue what LANGUAGE that is, so posting screenshots that are not translatable are useless to me.

My guess is that you still do not have your user group permissions set up correctly. If you start a TICKET and provide me login credentials to your site, I can take a quick look at your permissions for your Administrator User Group.

Being able to VIEW the Approval Queue is a Core XF permissions. Being able to view CONTENT within the Approval Queue is a per content type permission. So from your screenshots, it appears that you have permission to view the queue, however, there is content IN the queue that you do not have permission to view.
There must be some other problem,because I could approve them from my phone, but I still not see the posts...

I turnd enerything on on user group permissions for administrators and super moderators who is only me.:)

But I have seen that I can change the permissions by user, so it is a big confusion now for me.

Where can I open a Ticket?
Now it seems that all the blogs are imported in this example category, which I do not find anywhere.. maybe I woudl need a special permision for that one...

Képernyőkép 2024-07-18 124227.png
Now it seems that all the blogs are imported in this example category, which I do not find anywhere.. maybe I woudl need a special permision for that one...

View attachment 9563
That is an older (and unsupported) version of UBS. Why are you running an outdated/unsupported version of UBS?

What version of XenForo are you running?

What version of UBS are you running?
But I have seen that I can change the permissions by user, so it is a big confusion now for me.
XenForo has three ways of setting Permissions (one Primary and two secondary for fine controlling the Primary).

You HAVE TO SET the PRIMARY permissions. You can't just set secondary permissions.

The Primary way (and most important way) is via User Group Permissions (Admin CP >> Groups & permissions >> User group permissions)


Secondary Permissions are things like Node Permissions, which allow you to set User Group Permissions on a PER NODE basis. Addons like XFMG, XFRM, AMS, UBS etc that implement a Hierarchical Category System have Category Permissions, which are exactly like Node Permissions in that you can set User Group permissions on a Per Category Basis.

User Permissions are also a secondary permissions system, which are to be used to fine tune permission for a specific user instead of creating a new User Group, you can simply set permissions for an individual user.

Anyway... its USER GROUP permissions that you need to be setting, which is why I need you to create a ticket, so that I can log into your admin CP and check to see if you have your User Group Permissions set correctly.