Re: XF 2.3 - Embed your content anywhere
An EmbedResolver is a Content Type Handler that developers use to make that content type Embeddable via a EmbedRenderer.
An EmbedRenderer is what a content type uses to RENDER (Display) an EMBED in that piece of content when viewing it.
Item Management System 2.3.0 implements EmbedResolvers (the new EMBED bbcode) that allows you to past an IMS Item URL, IMS Item Upage URL, IMS Item Page URL, IMS Item Item Review URL, IMS Item Question URL or IMS Series URL into any RTE (Rich Text Editor) that implements a EmbedRenderer.
Not going to list all of the XF, XFRM and XFMG Embed Resolvers, you can read about those in the HYS forum at
Listing of EmbedRenders (as of XF 2.3.0 Beta 6):
Example, here I've added URLS to an Item, Item Update, Item Page, Review, Question and a Series into a Post in a discussion thread.

Each resolver has its own output template so that you can customize the output to however you want to without it effecting anything but that specific resolver.

An EmbedResolver is a Content Type Handler that developers use to make that content type Embeddable via a EmbedRenderer.
An EmbedRenderer is what a content type uses to RENDER (Display) an EMBED in that piece of content when viewing it.
Item Management System 2.3.0 implements EmbedResolvers (the new EMBED bbcode) that allows you to past an IMS Item URL, IMS Item Upage URL, IMS Item Page URL, IMS Item Item Review URL, IMS Item Question URL or IMS Series URL into any RTE (Rich Text Editor) that implements a EmbedRenderer.
Not going to list all of the XF, XFRM and XFMG Embed Resolvers, you can read about those in the HYS forum at
Listing of EmbedRenders (as of XF 2.3.0 Beta 6):
- XF implements EmbedRenderers for Posts, Direct Messages, Profile Posts and Profile Post Comments.
- XFRM implements EmbedRenderers for Resource Ratings and Resource Updates.
- XFMG implements EmbedRenderers for Albums.
- AMS implements EmbedRenderers for Articles, Article Pages, Article Ratings and Series.
- IMS implements EmbedRenderers for Items, Item Updates, Item Pages, Reviews, Questions and Series.
- LD implements EmbedRenderers for Items, Item Reveiws and Questions.
- Showcase implements EmbedRenderers for Items, Item Pages, Item Ratings, Item Updates and Series.
- UBS implements EmbedRenderers for Blogs, Blog Pages, Blog Entries, Blog Entry Pages, Blog Entry Ratings and Series.
- CAS, EMS, and RMS will also implement EmbedResolvers and EmbedRenders.
Example, here I've added URLS to an Item, Item Update, Item Page, Review, Question and a Series into a Post in a discussion thread.

Each resolver has its own output template so that you can customize the output to however you want to without it effecting anything but that specific resolver.
