NOTE: This was a [PAID] customization that the client requested to be added to core for everyone's enjoyment. They wish to remain anonymous, but please do show your appreciation.
Sportsbook 1.8.4 has a new page for displaying the Most Active Members. This page is a list of members that have placed at least 1 wager. Its ordered by Most to Least wagers placed. The Total Wagers amount is a LINK to that members "Wagers" page (which is also new in Sportbook 1.8.4).
As mentioned above, Sportsbook now has Member Wagers pages (which used to be limited to just viewing your own). Its exactly the same as the "Your Wagers" pages have been (sortable and filterable), just now you are able to view other members. The Statistics will be expanded on in future version(s) as well as Private Wagers (which only the member making the wager will be able to see).

Sportsbook 1.8.4 has a new page for displaying the Most Active Members. This page is a list of members that have placed at least 1 wager. Its ordered by Most to Least wagers placed. The Total Wagers amount is a LINK to that members "Wagers" page (which is also new in Sportbook 1.8.4).

As mentioned above, Sportsbook now has Member Wagers pages (which used to be limited to just viewing your own). Its exactly the same as the "Your Wagers" pages have been (sortable and filterable), just now you are able to view other members. The Statistics will be expanded on in future version(s) as well as Private Wagers (which only the member making the wager will be able to see).
