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Implemented Max Articles count on create should include counting any articles that are in draft, awaiting publishing or in the moderator queue


New Member
As per title, the Max Articles count (Permission) on create should include counting any articles that are currently in draft, awaiting publishing or in the moderator queue.

When articles are in draft, awaiting or in approval, they can spam as much as they'd like and it doesn't count towards the limit.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've moved this to Suggestions and changes the title to "Max Articles count on create should include counting any articles that are in draft, awaiting publishing or in the moderator queue".

Definitely something I wish to pursue and if done correctly, it would prevent the [Post article...] button from displaying if the total count of visible, draft, moderated and awaiting exceeded the viewing users allow articles count.
This has been implemented in AMS 2.3.3

Articles in the article state of 'draft', 'awaiting' and 'moderator' now are included in the permissions Checks canAddArticle() in the Category Entity and canAddAmsArticle in the XF User Entity, which control things like whether the [Add article] button displays and if the actionAdd function in the controller cane be accessed.

So for example, if a user is only allowed a Max of 5 Articles and the user currently has 3 published articles, 1 draft article and 1 article awaiting publishing, then that counts as FIVE articles and they won't be able to create another article as they have reached the max of 5 articles.