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Implemented Make the "Search engine optimization options" section for Articles/ Pages controlled by permissions

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This was funded by an Article Management System license holder that wanted a way to disable the SEO options section without template edits.

This has been implemented in AMS 2.2.28

I've added a new permission "Manage seo options for own articles" that is used in 3 permissions checks functions canManageSeoOptions() in the Category Entity, Article Entity and Article Page Entity.


Adding a new article or article page

When adding a New Article or a New Article Page, if the viewing user does not have the permission Manage seo options for own articles, the Search engine optimization options section will NOT be available on the Add article or Add page forms.

When adding a New Article or New Article Page, if the viewing user has the permission Manage seo options for own articles, the Search engine optimization options section will be available on the Add article or Add page forms.

Editing an existing item or item page

When editing an existing Article or Article Page, if the viewing user is the Article Owner, Co-Owner or Contributor and does not have the permission Manage seo options for own articles, the Search engine optimization options section will NOT be available on the Edit article or Edit page forms.

When editing an existing Article or Article Page, if the viewing user is the Article Owner, Co-Owner or Contributor and has the permission Manage seo options for own articles, the Search engine optimization options section will be available on the Edit item or Edit page forms.

Staff members with appropriate moderator permission

When editing an existing Article or Article Page, if the viewing user is Staff Member with the moderator permission edit any article, the Search engine optimization options section will be available on the Edit article or Edit page forms.