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Answered Alert on article publish in specific category (announcements)?


AMS Premium
LD Premium
UBS Premium
I am looking into using AMS for posting site announcements. I want to set an account alert when I post a new announcement for all members since they do auto-expire in 2.2, if I remember correctly.

Otherwise I'd have to post it, then go into ACP and manually navigate to the alert users tab, paste in the link, a blurb, etc. Is this possible? If not, I can make a suggestion.
AMS has a Category Watch feature, just like XenForo has a Forum Watch Feature and XenForo Resource Manager and XenForo Media Gallery have a Category Watch Feature.

The Watch feature is designed to notify watchers when new content is posts (New Thread, New AMS Article, New Resource, New Media Item etc).

Members that are interested in being notified about new threads, articles, items ets, can WATCH a Forum, Category etc...

As you mentioned, there is already a feature in the Admin CP that lets you send bulk alerts. This was added to do exactly what you want to do.

If not, I can make a suggestion.
It's not something I'd consider, so you'll need to pursue custom development.