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Similar to being able to create a Thread or a Post or a Comment or Review via the Write Before Register System, it'd be great to be able to add a Showcase Item via the Write Before Register System. 
It would be amazing for my use case and hopefully convert more lurkers into participants as the XF Write Before Register System for Threads and Posts (and other content types that implement a PreRegAction Handler) has helped a lot in getting new registrations and converting lurkers into members.
Having non-members see the "add item" button when not logged in should also cause many more submissions to my site's database. This would be an amazing feature IMO.

It would be amazing for my use case and hopefully convert more lurkers into participants as the XF Write Before Register System for Threads and Posts (and other content types that implement a PreRegAction Handler) has helped a lot in getting new registrations and converting lurkers into members.
Having non-members see the "add item" button when not logged in should also cause many more submissions to my site's database. This would be an amazing feature IMO.