Mouth said:When at a Series page - eg. /showcase/series/mwahahahahah.30/ - suggest we have a [Add item ...] button next to the [Add existing item to series] button, directly allowing a new item to be created from this point that will automatically be associated with the series being viewed. It would use the same category choice process as creating an item from Showcase Index.
This has been implemented in Showcase 3.2.32 (as a favor to the OP's long standing support of XenAddons products).
When viewing a Series, if the viewing user has permission to add a item to the series as well as had the appropriate permissions to add items in general, they will see a [Add item...] button (same used throughout Showcase). Initiating the adding of a new item from a series page, will automatically associate the item with the series.

The behavior of the [Add item...] button on a series page is the same as clicking on the [Add item...] button elsewhere throughout Showcase. If there is only one category that the viewing user can post items in, then it skips the Category Chooser.... again, its the same behavior as clicking on any given [Add item...] button within Showcase.
Note: Since the viewing user initiated the add item process from a series page, the series is already known, so the "Add item to series" Section on the Add Item form is hidden and instead the series_id is passed into the controller save process, which is used for adding the item to the series as part of the Item Create process.