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Right now URL check failures go into moderation like this:

In order to check the URL, I need to leave moderation (or open a new tab) on Forums and then click the link from there to see if it's alive or dead.
It would be a time saver if the moderation was like this instead (URL opening in a new window/tab):

With or without the

In order to check the URL, I need to leave moderation (or open a new tab) on Forums and then click the link from there to see if it's alive or dead.
It would be a time saver if the moderation was like this instead (URL opening in a new window/tab):

With or without the
data-xf-click="ldClickCounter" data-item-id="688"
attributes as checking links manually triggers a "click" and inflate the numbers. It'd be up to the admin to edit it out if they want their manual check to increase the click counter or not.