CAS is designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to post and manage classified ads (For Sale, For Rent, For Loan, For Trade, Free, Wanted, Service, Job, Announcement).
Note: This addon does not handle payment processing (any exchange of monies for goods needs to be...
IMS is designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to create an items database. Items can be rated/reviewed and there is a questions/answers interface.
Supported XenForo Branch: XF 2.3
Available Unsupported XenForo Branches: XF 2.2
Your premium license purchase...
AMS is designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to draft and publish Articles and Article like content.
Supported XenForo Branch: XF 2.3
Available Unsupported XenForo Branches: XF 1.x, XF 2.0, XF 2.1, XF 2.2
Your premium license purchase includes 1 year of support...
UBS is a User Blogs System addon designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to add their own Blogs and publish Blog Entries within those blogs.
Supported XenForo Branch: XF 2.3
Available Unsupported XenForo Branches: XF 1.x, XF 2.0, XF 2.1 and XF 2.2
Your premium...
Sportsbook allows your users to place wagers on outcomes of events with virtual cash (for entertainment purposes only). Sportsbook also has Member Bets, which allow members to make bets with another member.
Supported XenForo Branch: XF 2.3
Available Unsupported XenForo Branches: XF 1.x, XF...
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