CAS is designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to post and manage classified ads (For Sale, For Rent, For Loan, For Trade, Free, Wanted, Service, Job, Announcement).
Note: This addon does not handle payment processing (any exchange of monies for goods needs to be handled between the 2 parties off site).
Supported XenForo Branch: XF 2.3
Available Unsupported XenForo Branches: XF 2.2
Your standard license purchase includes 1 year of support and updates.
Renewal Information: Current Renewal Pricing
Note: This addon does not handle payment processing (any exchange of monies for goods needs to be handled between the 2 parties off site).
Supported XenForo Branch: XF 2.3
Available Unsupported XenForo Branches: XF 2.2
Your standard license purchase includes 1 year of support and updates.
- Access to stable/supported versions only
- 1 CAS license (non transferable)
- 1 year of support/updates
- Basic Support
Renewal Information: Current Renewal Pricing