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Not Planned [XF1] Custom Thumbnail Size(s)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mathis Neumann
  • Start date Start date

Mathis Neumann

Hi there,
since I am trying to kick the design of my featured items up a notch (slider), I use the images of the feautered items. The Problem is that my slider is at least 500px, so are my images (at least set via css), but the image file is the original one which can get pretty huge.
Since I know that Showcase renders custom thumbnails 300 by 300 pixels I think it would be great if I could change that value or (way better) let the script create multiple versions of the file, e.g. a original version, 500px width and the 300px version.

If that would be possible it would really improve performance and creativity with templates.

PS: Should I publish the new template including a featured items slider?
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can get closed, discussed that via pn. I am going to use a resize php script ;)