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XenAddons imports


New Member
AMS Premium
CAS Premium
IMS Premium
LD Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
I'm putting this in this section since it covers all XenAddons products, and many ask about these things in advance of purchasing. (I ran this by XenAddons to receive permission to post, before anyone reports it as spam. :) )

XenAddons' various products are among the most common addons my company is asked about handling imports for. I'm happy to say we have a great many import services for XenAddons.

Here is a current list:

vBulletin CMS -> Article Management System
vBulletin Blog -> User Blog System or Article Management System
Invision Community Blog -> User Blog System
ThemeHouse XenBlog for Xenforo 1.x -> User Blog System or Article Management System
Xenforo Resource Manager -> User Blog System, Article Management System or Showcase
vB Pro Garage -> Showcase
DTO Garage -> Showcase
WordPress pages (no plugin data, pages only) -> Article Management System
WordPress posts (no plugin data, posts only) -> User Blog System
Joomla CMS -> Article Management System

If you don't see something here you need to import from, please ask! We are happy to discuss adding another import service to meet market needs. This also applies to XenAddons products we currently do not import into - if there is a need we'll look into supplying an additional import service.

Please do not ask for pricing information here. Send a conversation message or visit our site at https://driven2services.com/forum/
Hello everyone. I'm pleased to announce we've completed the importer support for Invision Community (IPB) Blogs to UBS.
FYI, I'm pleased to announce and update to my DTO Garage to Showcase importer. The previous version had a couple of minor bugs which have been solved. I've also made several improvements on the image import portion, and it's lightning fast when the source DTO Garage and destination Xenforo are on the same file system.
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FYI, I'm pleased to announce and update to my DTO Garage to Showcase importer. The previous version had a couple of minor bugs which have solved. I've also made several improvements on the image import portion, and it's lighting fast when the source DTO Garage and destination Xenforo are on the same file system.
Thank you so much for doing this!
I'm glad you replied, because I saw some grammar errors and edited them. That's the result of posting late in the evening!

I'm currently working on updates for all my importers for your products. :-)
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I'm happy to announce if you are using either XenPorta or Xenforo "article threads", I've completed another importer which can convert either of these over Article Management System.