As per the title, an option for the bookie to set a minimum wager amount, a maximum wager amount and the maximum wagers you can place on a given outcome.
This will work in conjunction with the Max Wagers per outcome and Minimum & Maximum wager amounts per outcome set by User Group Permissions (and further fine tuned by Category Permissions)
Here are a few examples...
You are in User Group A. User Group A has a min wager amount of $25, a max wager amount of $1000 and Max wagers per outcome set to 5. The Category that you are viewing is inheriting the default user group permissions.
Bookie creates outcome 1 and doesn't set any wager limits on it. Only your Category Permissions for wager limits will come into play for that specific outcome which means you can place 5 wagers on it with the min wager amount of $25 and Max of $1000.
Bookie creates outcome 2 and places a Min wager of $10. Since your Category permission is higher than the bookies, your Category permission overrides it and you still need to place a min of $25 on the outcome.
Bookie creates outcome 3 and places a Min wager of $100 . Since your Category permission is lower than the bookies, the bookie limit overrides it and you will need to place a min of $100 on the outcome.
Bookie creates outcome 4 and places a Min wager of $5000. Since your Category permission max limit is lower than the bookies minimum, the bookies limit overrides it and you will not be able to place a wager on the outcome.
Bookie creates outcome 5 and places a Min wager of $500 and Max Wagers to 1. Since your Category permission is lower than the bookies, the bookie limit overrides it and you will need to place a min of $500 on the outcome and can only place 1 wager as the bookies wager limit trumps permissions.
This will work in conjunction with the Max Wagers per outcome and Minimum & Maximum wager amounts per outcome set by User Group Permissions (and further fine tuned by Category Permissions)
Here are a few examples...
You are in User Group A. User Group A has a min wager amount of $25, a max wager amount of $1000 and Max wagers per outcome set to 5. The Category that you are viewing is inheriting the default user group permissions.
Bookie creates outcome 1 and doesn't set any wager limits on it. Only your Category Permissions for wager limits will come into play for that specific outcome which means you can place 5 wagers on it with the min wager amount of $25 and Max of $1000.
Bookie creates outcome 2 and places a Min wager of $10. Since your Category permission is higher than the bookies, your Category permission overrides it and you still need to place a min of $25 on the outcome.
Bookie creates outcome 3 and places a Min wager of $100 . Since your Category permission is lower than the bookies, the bookie limit overrides it and you will need to place a min of $100 on the outcome.
Bookie creates outcome 4 and places a Min wager of $5000. Since your Category permission max limit is lower than the bookies minimum, the bookies limit overrides it and you will not be able to place a wager on the outcome.
Bookie creates outcome 5 and places a Min wager of $500 and Max Wagers to 1. Since your Category permission is lower than the bookies, the bookie limit overrides it and you will need to place a min of $500 on the outcome and can only place 1 wager as the bookies wager limit trumps permissions.
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