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Using Showcase as the Index or CMS


AMS Premium
SC Premium
Hi Bob! I hope all is well. I am brainstorming a new website idea and I am trying to figure out if Showcase can take over the forum index. As in if a user came to www.somesite.com they would see the Showcase list/grid instead of the forum. I would like to potentially use Showcase like a CMS of some sort. I have no idea if it's capable of doing so, but I figured it could hurt to ask.

I am considering this because I don't want to bridge Wordpress with xF, or use Drupal if possible. However I want to write articles, but stay away from XenPorta and Better Blogs if possible. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this.
For the record, it worked and I think I am starting to dig this setup. Am testing locally to see where it can go. Thanks for the point in the right direction!