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Implemented User Criteria for Trophy's, Promotions & Notices

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mathis Neumann
  • Start date Start date

Mathis Neumann

Hi Bob,
I thought about how I can encourage my users to use the showcase more often (currently only about 5 items) and I thought about if it would be possible to enhance the xenforo trophy system with showcase based points.
So basicly this list:

I don't know if Xenforo has API features that allow to set new reward sources, but if so it would be possible to make rewards like "Your first project!", "Creative Mind - more than 5 items in the showcase" or even based on ratings "Show Off - more than 50 people gave 5 stars for one of your showcase items". (Just some rough examples)
The most simplest features would be that you can earn points for creating a project.

What do you think?

EDIT: I just found out that in the english version xenforo does not use the word "reward", but "trophy" for that, so the heading could be misleading, and I could not change the title.
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I haven't yet found an efficient way to extend trophy criteria beyond manual edits to the system. its not very "addon" friendly yet. I am sure they have plans to make it more extendable. Once there is an efficient way to do this, I am sure you will see many addons do trophy integration. Its on my "wish" list for all my addons.
I would really like to be able to award trophy points to my users who add galleries. Also any possible way it can be extended beyond just awarding points for new galleries.

PS: Finally made it in to make this suggestion. I feel almost all good addons should have this kind of integration.
Great, thank you. I looked at recent posts but could not find any so started this thread. Now noticed that it was way back in Dec.

So are you waiting for XF1.2 to have a look at the integration?
No.. xf 1.2 has nothing to do with it. Its just not that high on the priority list.
Really not looking to "discuss" but more for "Ideas" of the types of user criteria that you'd like to be able to use to determine whether to award a trophy.

One for sure that is already added is : User has created at least X showcase items.
  • Item has received X amount of likes
  • Item has received X amount of votes/ratings
  • Item has been viewed X amount of times
  • Item has been featured
  • Picture has been added.
  • User has added x amount of items (Posted more then one Showcase item)
  • User uploaded x amount of pictures.
  • Like
Reactions: Bob
  • Average rating for itemabove x (would probably get combined with a minimum amount of ratings and items, but xf can handle that)
  • Item has got x comments
  • User commented on x items
  • Item got featured
  • Item has at least x words/chars
  • received x likes on item comment
Something a bit more crazy (don't know what xf can do for the options):
  • item was rated/liked/commented on by the user group x (like a jury, or its an award like "admins favorite")
  • Posted item in specific category x
  • Like
Reactions: Bob
Here are a few that I've already done:

Showcase - User has created at least X items
Showcase - User has uploaded at least X attachments
Showcase - User has made at least X comments (only comments with the light weight comments system, not posts in threads)
Showcase - User has rated at least X items (counts both rating types [rate] and [rate&review])
Showcase - User has reviewed at least X items (only counts reviews)

Here are a few that I would like to do, but am still debating it:

Note: these next criteria are determined be querying all of their items (since users can have multiple items), then sorting by the specific criteria and the top result is used for an individual item. For example, if you have 3 Items and one has 10 likes, one has 5 likes and one has 2 likes, the record used will be the 10 likes (since that is the MOST). Its the only logical way to check individual criteria against multiple results. Its not the ITEM being awarded the trophy, its the User that created the items, so they would be awarded for their best accomplishment out of all their items which would be the item with the most likes (hope this makes sense). Same thing applies to ratings, reviews and comments.

Showcase - User item has received at least X likes
Showcase - User item has received at least X ratings (counts both rating types [rate] and [rate&review])
Showcase - User item has received at least X reviews (only counts reviews)
Showcase - User item has received at least X comments (only comments with the light weight comments system, not posts in threads)
Nice, I started to look into adding some criteria myself, and then remembered you were going to be looking at this.
Nice, I started to look into adding some criteria myself, and then remembered you were going to be looking at this.

Its actually pretty easy once you figure out how it works :) You'll be able to see how I did it and expand on it for your own needs.
Cool, looking forward to it. I've expanded it for the RM (have a thread on XF asking if the way I've done it could be improved).
Marked as partially Implemented as the functionality has been added along with some critera. Leaving it as partial for the time being for those that wish to provide some input on criteria that they would like to see integrated.
Last chance for INPUT as I am wrapping this up today (tomorrow if any late acceptable input).
Here are the USER criteria that made the cut for this upcoming version (1.3.0):

Showcase - User has created at least X items
Showcase - User has uploaded at least X attachments
Showcase - User has made at least X comments (only comments with the light weight comments system, not posts in threads)
Showcase - User has rated at least X items (counts both rating types [rate] and [rate&review])
Showcase - User has reviewed at least X items (only counts reviews)

Showcase - User has received at least X likes (single item)
Showcase - User has received at least X likes (combined items)

More criteria will be added over time. I wanted to introduce a small set to start out with instead of adding dozens of new criteria at once.

NOTE: When requesting new criteria, please start a thread for each separate criteria so they can be discussed and tracked individually.