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Not Planned Sort comments



I want to change the default "sort comments" to be "Newest to oldest", there was option in SC2 but that option was removed in SC3, therefore, I paid for a developer to create a separate addon for me (it is attached).


Now, the addon developer is not responding to make sure the addon will work in XF2.2 and we want to upgrade our forum from XF2.1 to XF2.2 and before renew our SC license:

1. Is there any option added in SC3.2 related to "sort comments"?
2. If no, can I suggest to add option in admincp to choose the default comments sort?



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I have no plans to implement comment sorting in Showcase.

Id contact TickTackk at xf support site and see if he'd be interested in developing an addon for you. He's really good, fast and his pricing is reasonable.
Thanks Bob

Do you think the attached addon for SC3.1 will work in SC 3.2?
I don't see why not. If it was developed for SC 3.1, it should work with SC 3.2. I've not made any changes to the comments system that would have anything to do with sorting. The only new comments related feature is implementing the "Write before register" handler.