Your username here MUST MATCH your XenForo username (connected to your XF license).

    Once you have registered here, then you need to start a conversation at xenforo.com w/Bob and provide the following:
    1. Your XenForo License Validation Token
    2. The Domain Name associated with the License
    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified/met. Thank you for your patience.

Answered Several questions


New Member
CAS Premium
1. Can we display not 2, but 3 products in one row?

2. Can we import themes from a category like "Selling a motorcycle" into the CAS category? At least without the price of the product...

3. How does Premium differ from the regular version?

4. This plugin has the capability to create paid advertisements.

5. It allows receiving payments through forum gateways for creating an advertisement for 1 month. And after a month, it will be deactivated.

Can we display not 2, but 3 products in one row?
If you are asking about GRID VIEW Layout type, you can modify the CAS Grid View LESS to display more or less containers per row at each of the core responsive breakpoints. This is not a supported feature however, so you are on your own (altho, I have posted here how to do that).

This plugin has the capability to create paid advertisements.
No, as noted on the Product Page, there is no payment processing of any kind. If you need payment processing, you can contact OzzModz (Ozzy47 or Painbaker) as they've implemented some payment processing for CAS and could do the same for you :)

How does Premium differ from the regular version?
There is only one version of...
Can we display not 2, but 3 products in one row?
If you are asking about GRID VIEW Layout type, you can modify the CAS Grid View LESS to display more or less containers per row at each of the core responsive breakpoints. This is not a supported feature however, so you are on your own (altho, I have posted here how to do that).

This plugin has the capability to create paid advertisements.
No, as noted on the Product Page, there is no payment processing of any kind. If you need payment processing, you can contact OzzModz (Ozzy47 or Painbaker) as they've implemented some payment processing for CAS and could do the same for you :)

How does Premium differ from the regular version?
There is only one version of the addon.

A Premium license has more license benefits than a standard license.

  • Your standard license purchase includes 1 year of support and updates.
  • Access to stable/supported versions only
  • 1 CAS license (non transferable)
  • 1 year of support/updates
  • Basic Support

  • Access to all versions (Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate and Stable)
  • Early access to new releases (before Standard license holders)
  • 1 CAS license (non transferable)
  • 1 year of advanced support/updates
  • Advanced/Priority Support
  • Multi-license discounts on new purchases and extensions (with 3+ licenses)
  • Bulk license discounts (like if you need 5+ licenses for a specific addon)
  • Ability to purchase NEW addons (lke Event Management System) that are not available to standard license holders.
  • Sponsor the development of features in addons (not available to standard license holders)
  • Exclusive sales for Premium license holders
It allows receiving payments through forum gateways for creating an advertisement for 1 month. And after a month, it will be deactivated.
Not sure what you are asking? There is no payment processing?

I think that you might be asking about PACKAGES like some Classified Addons have (like NixFity's). CAS does not do that. It approaches things differently (more similar to eBay). You can set max ad length on a per User Group basis, so registered members can only create ads with a max listing length of 3 days where as premium members might be able to create ads that expire in 14 days.