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Re-arranging the order of sidebar blocks & custom field

3rd angle

Hi Bob,

I'd be glad if you could help me out with this..

  • I'd like to change the title of the block: Additional information. Which phrase or where do we change this?(done) And i want to bring this block up and move the Quick Stats down? The custom field are more important than these stats....
  • showcase.jpg
  • Secondly, the custom fields even after choosing multi-line option doesn't show multi-box for entering the values... this is confusing.. and we end up getting a single line answer... to make it fool proof and may be introduce some style (a line or something in between these values)... can we have multi-boxes for multi-answers?
Plz help
Template: nflj_showcase_item_sidebar

In the template, this entire chunk of code controls the Additional information block.

    <xen:if is="{$customFieldsGrouped.sidebar}">
        <xen:if hascontent="true">
            <div class="section">
                <div class="secondaryContent">
                    <h3>{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_item_sidebar_additional_info_header}</h3>
                    <div class="pairsJustified">
                            <xen:foreach loop="$customFieldsGrouped.sidebar" value="$field">
                                <xen:include template="nflj_showcase_item_custom_field_view" />

You can move that anywhere within the side bar area.

The quick stats block starts with this line of code:

    <div class="section" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate">

So just cut the entire Additional information block and paste it above the first line of the quick stats block.

SC Custom Fields work exactly like core XF Custom User Fields (most of it is the same code). The part you are asking about is core xenforo.