Showcase Phrases that start with THESE system prefixes are only used in the Admin CP.
- admin_navigation.
- admin_permission.
- cron_entry.
- mod_log.
- option.
- option_explain.
- option_group.
- permission.
- permission_interface.
- widget_def.
- widget_def_desc.
- widget_pos.
- widget_pos_desc.
Showcase Phrases that start with sc_ are CONTENT TYPE phrases and are used on both the frontend and backend for content type specific purposes. eg sc_comment, sc_comments, sc_item, sc_items
Showcase Phrases that start with THESE system prefixes are only used on the frontend.
Showcase Phrases that start with xa_sc_ are phrases that I add (non system generated). Depending on the phrase, it could be only used in the admin cp or frontend, however a lot of them are used in both areas.
With all of that out of the way...
I know you are one that likes to replace the term 'showcase' with 'garage', so just to let you know, out of the 128 phrases that use the term 'showcase', most of them (like 70% or more) are system generated phrases used only in the Admin CP. If you SKIP all of the system generated phrases that are only admin CP systems, that only leaves you a hand full of phrases and out of those hand full, its pretty obvious which ones are used only on the backend (and even if it isn't, its not going to hurt to change the phrase.
SC 3.0 hardly uses the term 'showcase' on the frontend anymore (mainly uses the generic term 'item' instead). There are cases where the generic term "item" can't be used tho and in that case, I use the term "Showcase item". There are only a hand full of these tho (like the alert opt outs, whats new etc..
Hope that helps.