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Filter Custom Fields


New Member
Hi there,

I am trying to find a way to filter custom fields.
I've made several custom fields in an item category, but I can't find a way to filter them on the index.

I found this add-on by another developer but I wanted to know if there's a possibility to filter items by custom fields through the add-on itself, before purchasing that other add-on.

I'm running version 3.2.23.
Hey :)

The Core XenForo Custom Fields System (which is what I use) does not include programming code, JavaScript, Templates, Template Helpers, Template Macros or LESS that would be neccessary to add Search Indexing and Filtering listing pages by Custom Fields. There are at least 3 suggestions posted in the XF Suggetions Forum asking for enhancements to the Custom Field System to allow for Indexing Custom Field Content in Search as well as being able to Filter Listing pages (like Thread Lists, Resource Lists and Media Lists). Lets hope that XF 2.3 includes this feature :)

I found this add-on by another developer but I wanted to know if there's a possibility to filter items by custom fields through the add-on itself, before purchasing that other add-on.
As explained above, the Core XF Custom Fields System does not have any "filtering" functionality, so the addon that is available though Addons lab is currently the only option.

I'd probably wait and see if XF 2.3 includes any enhancements to their Custom Field System before spending that much money on an addon tho.
Hey Bob,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
Yeah, the filter system is quite an essential feature for me as we need to filter things. So I am really doubting about either waiting for XF2.3 whenever that'll be (we all know about the "roadmap" discussion thread....) or just buy that Filter add-on.

I will look into my options, but as we have no idea about the release date of 2.3 I think I am more leaning into the third party add-on... it looks solid and sleek.

Thanks for the fast and detailed reply! Have a good Sunday!
Hey Bob,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
Yeah, the filter system is quite an essential feature for me as we need to filter things. So I am really doubting about either waiting for XF2.3 whenever that'll be (we all know about the "roadmap" discussion thread....) or just buy that Filter add-on.

I will look into my options, but as we have no idea about the release date of 2.3 I think I am more leaning into the third party add-on... it looks solid and sleek.

Thanks for the fast and detailed reply! Have a good Sunday!
The addonslab showcase filter addon works very well. Searching and filtering custom fields should be something in core though so hopefully they implement something like that in 2.3 for thread custom fields and resource custom field that @Bob can use as a model to develop and add filtering back to his add-ons.

Here's hoping there's a HYS with it soon but I'm honestly losing hope in the matter. I've been hoping since 2.0.