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Need some quick help Bob


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I'm trying to finish up my migration and am testing some things... I'm trying to map a few showcase items for the members to existing discussion ID's. In the process I'm being forced to fill in fields that weren't filled in via the auto generation script I used. No problem, I fill those in. But them there's a more generic error:

"Please enter a value that matches the required format."

Problem is, it doesn't tell me which field to look at. Wish those errors were more specific. So I'm trying to manually go through them all, and I have a ton of fields. Some are text fields set to Number. Will numbers with decimal points cause errors? If not, I'll look for something else that might be causing the issue.

Thanks man.
One thing you can TRY (but I don't recommend it as a permanent solution) is to remove the xenForm class from the form itself. This is specifically setup as an overlay form.

Edit template: nflj_showcase_item_set_cover_image

<form class="xenForm formOverlay AutoValidator"

remove xenForm class
<form class="formOverlay AutoValidator"

Doing this WILL enable the radio buttons when not in OVERLAY mode (like the 2nd image).

You really need to find out why its not opening in an OVERLAY tho.
Yeah, it's not using an overlay like the first image. I'll have to do some digging tomorrow to find out why it's not. Strange. Thanks for the clarification.

Someone had to have purposely modified the core showcase item sidebar template and removed the OverlayTrigger class. You can see in the template code below that I am forcing that link to open in an overlay by using the OverlayTrigger.

                        <xen:if is="{$item.canSetCoverImage} && {$item.cover_image}">
                            <li><a href="{xen:link showcase/set-cover-image, $item}" class="OverlayTrigger"><span>{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_set_cover_image}</span></a></li>
Someone had to have purposely modified the core showcase item sidebar template and removed the OverlayTrigger class. You can see in the template code below that I am forcing that link to open in an overlay by using the OverlayTrigger.

                        <xen:if is="{$item.canSetCoverImage} && {$item.cover_image}">
                            <li><a href="{xen:link showcase/set-cover-image, $item}" class="OverlayTrigger"><span>{xen:phrase nflj_showcase_set_cover_image}</span></a></li>
Yup, that was me... I added a link for it in the "showcaseControlLinks" area and didn't keep the overlay class. I added the OverlayTrigger class back in on the A tag for the link and it works now. I'll stop breakin' ish eventually. Those template changes were rushed at 3am, my fault.
So far so good. No complaints of slow page load times. Everything looks good. And I'm not running any caching system at the moment. People are uploading new Items and updating old ones quite a bit already. ;)