Incorrect dates or something.
That would be my guess since most of the issues you've had revolve around incorrect date settings.
At what point are strikes applied in a Survivor pool if the player does not make a pick?
They can not be processed until every single game for the week has been played, so the Week Lock Date is used to determine when DNP are processed (and it is not INSTANT, so it the won't be processed until its past the Lock Date AND the CRON "Pickem: Process Survivor Pools (Strikes and Eliminations)" has run.
Note: It is VERY IMPORTANT that the Week Start date for the next week is AT LEAST 24-48 hours AFTER the Week Lock Date of the previous week! This is so that you have at least 24-48 hours to let CRON do its thing, others wise, if the next week STARTS, nothing will be processed for the previous week.
I've only had 1 other person in the entire 11 year history of Survivor have this issue and it was because they set the Start Date of the next week 5 minutes after the lock date of the previous week, so the CRON would run, but wouldn't process anything as there was nothing to process for the CURRENT WEEK. That is why DATES are so important to set correctly.
Anyway, if your current week has already started, just edit the week and set the start date 24 hours ahead (like to tomorrow), that way the system will think its still in the previous week, run the cron, then edit the current week and set the start date back 24 hours again.
Survivor also lets you manually edit Players in Survivor pools (it has a full player interface, so you can edit a specific player and give them a strike and even eliminate them if need be).