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Just upgraded to 2.0 - strange issue


Active Member
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When viewing the item, a lot of custom field data is not showing up. Yet, if you click Edit you can see that those fields are filled in. Not sure why those fields are not displaying. Any ideas?
2 things can cause that. 1st would be outdated template (or improperly merged template. 2nd would be that you missed the rebuild caches step in the upgrade steps.
I reverted my showcase templates (only had one modified from what I could tell) and rebuilt all showcase caches... is there a way to check to see if that template I reverted was done correctly?
Just as a quick test, I tried editing one of the items (my own item) and saved. It fixed the issue.

I should probably point out that all these items were auto created from a script, which pulled from profile data. I don't think that should matter seeing as how they were displaying correctly before the upgrade. But I will mention it anyway. One thing that I wondered is if there are required fields that aren't filled in due to these auto generated items, could that cause this?
Oh yeah, and also wanted to point out that this isn't happening to all of the items. Some are showing up just fine. I'm going to see if I can find a common theme among the ones that aren't displaying the data.
IIRC, a reverted template will have NO history. I had the same exact issue with someone else and it was indeed customization that they had done to the item template and didn't do a proper merge. Once the templates involve were reverted, the fields displayed just fine.

A 3rd issue could be that the TM is disabled that inserts needed code into a core template, but you'd have had to disable that yourself.
Just as a quick test, I tried editing one of the items (my own item) and saved. It fixed the issue.

I should probably point out that all these items were auto created from a script, which pulled from profile data. I don't think that should matter seeing as how they were displaying correctly before the upgrade. But I will mention it anyway. One thing that I wondered is if there are required fields that aren't filled in due to these auto generated items, could that cause this?

Oh yeah, and also wanted to point out that this isn't happening to all of the items. Some are showing up just fine. I'm going to see if I can find a common theme among the ones that aren't displaying the data.

lol.. you are too fast for me, I am on mobile :D

If they are auto created, you might be missing crucial post save (and pre save) steps in the DataWriter. Are these auto generated items using the ITEM DW to SAVE?
lol.. you are too fast for me, I am on mobile :D

If they are auto created, you might be missing crucial post save (and pre save) steps in the DataWriter. Are these auto generated items using the ITEM DW to SAVE?
I suspect they weren't generated using the item dw to save. I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to tell which steps without seeing the importer file... maybe I can send my programmer the item dw file to inspect. Should I send him the old dw file or the new 2.0 file as a reference? As the import was done with the previous version of showcase, if that matters.
They'd also need to make sure they understand how the new custom fields stuff works in this version (which is DIFFERENT than 1.3.1). Its more inline with Core XF (specifically the RM). They need to look at the showcase controller actions ADD and ADD SAVE. The ADD method shows how the fields are prepared for input and the ADD SAVE method shows how they are set via pre save in the DW (and of course, the DW shows all the save functionality).
They'd also need to make sure they understand how the new custom fields stuff works in this version (which is DIFFERENT than 1.3.1). Its more inline with Core XF (specifically the RM). They need to look at the showcase controller actions ADD and ADD SAVE. The ADD method shows how the fields are prepared for input and the ADD SAVE method shows how they are set via pre save in the DW (and of course, the DW shows all the save functionality).
Good to know, will forward this info on. As always, thanks Bob.
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