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Implemented Enable Node List Items Module - showing for no images


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Can the option for "Enable Node List Items Module" be updated, or a further option added, to only include items with images? It looks quite ugly when showing an item without an image ....

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I'd have to look into it again. It originally didn't include items that had no images, but I was asked to include ALL items and insert a category image or no image place holder for items without images.

In the mean time, why not add a decent looking category image that will display instead? or replace the stock no image with a nice looking site related image.
I'd have to look into it again.
Please, thanks.

It originally didn't include items that had no images, but I was asked to include ALL items and insert a category image or no image place holder for items without images.
In that case, definantly an option I feel to display them or not.

In the mean time, why not add a decent looking category image that will display instead? or replace the stock no image with a nice looking site related image.
That's an option, but I think the purpose of this functionality is to showcase items, attract attention, and help beautify the forum listing. If the user cannot even be bothered to add an image to their showcase gallery, then I don't want to 'pollute' the node list items module with a template image. showcase.pngAttached image shows what mine looks like, and I think a category or template image would make it just as unattractive, IMHO.
Its just a temp option until I get around to being able to work on it. I was against changing it, but its what everyone wanted.
I've modified the methods that retrieve items to now be able to pull items that only have images attached to them. This allows me to add another option to allow you to display items with image (and for those that want it the other way, they can still pull all items.

Should be out tomorrow :)
btw, moved this into the suggestions forum and marked this as "Implemented"