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Implemented Edit History - Series


Staff member
With XF 2.2 taking longer than expected, I am going to move some of the features I've implemented for AMS 2.2 into AMS 2.1.x (starting with AMS 2.1.13).

Along with implementing the Rich Text BBCode editor to enhance the Series Details input, I've also implemented a Edit History Handler.

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This to is a nice feature.

Will it show what has been changed by clicking on the view link?
Will it show what has been changed by clicking on the view link?
Yes, its the standard XF History Handler, so it works the same for any content type that implements the handler.

Clicking on View launches the Content History overlay which you can view both Formatted and Raw. You can also revert to that version simply by checking the "revert option, which enables the revert button.


You can also compare versions (which is a built in part of the History Handler).
