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Implemented Date Filters


New Member
I would like to make this suggestion.

Users should be able to filter items in Top Rated und Most Popular tab for specific date criterias.
For instance: This Hour, Today, This Week, This Month, This Year.

This feature can be seen on reddit within the "Top" tab in the upper left hand corner:
Upvote 3
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I can see a use for something like this, however, filters apply to all lists, not just a specific Sort Order Type. so I implement this, I won't be limiting it to just Top Rated or Most Popular.
This is something that would be handy, because most the time older content is going to show first for them two due having just been on site longer to get more rating and that.
This is something that would be handy, because most the time older content is going to show first for them two due having just been on site longer to get more rating and that.

agreed. This is one that I will definitely be adding as I can see many use cases for it.
This has been Partially Implemented and will be available for use starting with Showcase 2.6.0 Beta 1

This is EXPERIMENTAL, so keep that in mind. This may change, may get tweaked, may get totally blown away.

This is a FILTER. To FILTER something means to narrow down a large result set into a smaller result set. Do NOT confuse filters with SORT ORDERING. Filters and Sort Ordering work together.

So what are Date Filters? Date Filters allow you to narrow down the results set by the amount of days since a Showcase Item has been created.

There are currently 9 built in "quick" Date Filters:


If you filter by Today, then only items that have been created in the past 24 hours will be fetched.
If you filter by 1 Week, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 7 days.
If you filter by 2 Weeks, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 14 days.
If you filter by 3 Weeks, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 21 days.
If you filter by 1 Month, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 30 days.
If you filter by 2 Month, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 60 days.
If you filter by 3 Months, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 90 days.
If you filter by 6 Months, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 180 days.
If you filter by Year, it will fetch items that have been created within the past 365 days.


NOTE: As with all the other Filters, you can Combine different filters groups together. eg, you can Filter by Featured & Past 2 Weeks along with the Prefix "For Sale"

Advanced: You can also do Custom Cutoff filtering by simply setting the cutoff url param to the number of days. Adding &cutoff=39 to any of the Item Listing pages that allow filtering is all you need to do. This comes in handy for a lot of things. People can bookmark Showcase Home with a custom cutoff so that they can see the content posted in the past 3 days (just an example).


Can this be disabled for those that don't want to use it? YES. You can enable/disable the Date Filters just like you can the other Filters.

NOTE: Disabling only removes the filters from the filter menu. The URL params can still be used regardless if the filter menu has been disabled.

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