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Resolved Customizing simple carousel


New Member
Is it possible to display more than one article when choosing simple carousel?
When using it in wider spaces it looks quite empty...

Is it possible to display more than one article when choosing simple carousel?
No, its specifically designed to display one container at a time (as its designed only for use in the sideBar).

Is there an easy way to customize it to show more articles in wide spaces?
No, its not something that you can just "tweak". To do what you want, would require a much different approach (different HTML/CSS/LESS/JS/XF Template Syntax)

Note: There is a Full - Carousel display option (just below the Simple - Carousel display option). That one is designed for use in main content areas. There is an AMS: Appearance Style Property that lets you choose to Show 1 article at a time or 2 articles at a time. That option is available for both the Featured Articles Widget Definition and the Latest Articles Widget Definition.

