A per title, Creating Outcomes, Editing Outcomes and Deleting Outcomes is now all handled directly on the Event page instead of having to go into the Edit Event Page.
In the image below, the red arrows point to NEW additions or changes.
The first thing you will see is "Show/Hide Create Outcome". This only displays for viewing users that have permission to create Outcomes on the Event. Clicking on this link will be explained in the next image.
Each Outcome will now have an Edit and Delete link (will only display if you have the appropriate permissions).
The View Wager Limits link is now RED which is more eye catching.
The Place Wager link is now a BUTTON which sticks out like a sore thumb. This matches the Betting Exchange where placing bets is handled by clicking on buttons.
The last thing is that I've added a link to the View Detailed Outcomes at the bottom of the Outcomes list.
As mentioned above, there is now a Show/Hide Create Outcome link at the top of the Outcomes List. When you click on it, it expands a hidden input form for creating outcomes. This is the same form that was on the Event Edit page. It works the same way. When you create an outcome, it will Insert the new outcome via AJAX right into the outcome list. When you are done adding outcomes, you can click the show/hide link to HIDE the form. The form is always hidden on page load (will stay open for AJAX inserts).
The Event Edit is now just for Editing Event specific data. I've added a bold red note at the bottom of the page that explains that Outcome management is now done on the Event Page. I'll leave that in place for several versions, however, it will eventually be removed.
NOTE: When creating a new Event, you will no longer be redirected to the Event Edit page, you will be redirected directly to the Event page so you can create outcomes.
In the image below, the red arrows point to NEW additions or changes.
The first thing you will see is "Show/Hide Create Outcome". This only displays for viewing users that have permission to create Outcomes on the Event. Clicking on this link will be explained in the next image.
Each Outcome will now have an Edit and Delete link (will only display if you have the appropriate permissions).
The View Wager Limits link is now RED which is more eye catching.
The Place Wager link is now a BUTTON which sticks out like a sore thumb. This matches the Betting Exchange where placing bets is handled by clicking on buttons.
The last thing is that I've added a link to the View Detailed Outcomes at the bottom of the Outcomes list.

As mentioned above, there is now a Show/Hide Create Outcome link at the top of the Outcomes List. When you click on it, it expands a hidden input form for creating outcomes. This is the same form that was on the Event Edit page. It works the same way. When you create an outcome, it will Insert the new outcome via AJAX right into the outcome list. When you are done adding outcomes, you can click the show/hide link to HIDE the form. The form is always hidden on page load (will stay open for AJAX inserts).

The Event Edit is now just for Editing Event specific data. I've added a bold red note at the bottom of the page that explains that Outcome management is now done on the Event Page. I'll leave that in place for several versions, however, it will eventually be removed.

NOTE: When creating a new Event, you will no longer be redirected to the Event Edit page, you will be redirected directly to the Event page so you can create outcomes.