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Implemented A "Latest Blog Entries" Widget is now added to the "What's New" page during install (and via this upgrade).


Staff member
As per title, the UBS installer now includes auto creating a "Latest blog entries" widget that is displayed on the "What's new" page. Keep in mind, you've been able to do this on your own since XF 2.0.0.

It's just a widget like any other widget. If you don't want it displayed on the What's New page, you edit the widget and uncheck the display position or delete it since it's only added to the What's New page. This is basic XF Widgets 101.

The installer (and upgrade step for UBS 2.2.35) creates the widget with its own unique widget key (so that it doesn't conflict with any other "latest articles" widgets that you might have created on your own).

The custom settings are
  • Position What's new overview
  • Position order 200
  • Limit 10
  • Style List View Layout Type
  • Require cover image or content image TRUE
All other settings are default as set by the Widget Definition.

            'xa_ubs_whats_new_overview_lastest_entries' => function($key, array $options = [])
                $options = array_replace([
                    'limit' => 10,
                    'style' => 'list-view',
                    'require_cover_or_content_image' => true
                ], $options);
                        'positions' => ['whats_new_overview' => 200],
                        'options' => $options
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